Meet the Team

Meet Irina Martin, who is a key staff member of the SME NANOTECH from Ukraine and is a Partner in the CATCHER project.  Firstly, tell us a bit about your organization SME NANOTECHCENTER LLC (UA) ( is a spin-off company established at the Frantsevich Institute of Problems of Materials Science of the National Academy of Science […]

Meet Svitlana Lyubchyk, who works for ULusofona, and is the Coordinator of the CATCHER project. Firstly, tell us a bit about your organization Universidade Lusófona (ULusofona), is the largest non-public University in Portugal, located throughout the Portugal and also in Brazil, Mozambique, Angola and Cabo Verde. Covering a wide range of areas of knowledge stretching […]

Meet Antonija Bogadi, who works for SYNYO, and is the Dissemination partner of the CATCHER project. Firstly, tell us a bit about your organization SYNYO is an independent research and innovation organisation that develops new approaches for addressing major societal challenges. SYNYO explores and develops novel methods, technologies, and solutions in various domains tackling societal, political, ecological, […]

Meet Alba Cánovas, who works for Anthesis Lavola, and is the Sustainability Assessment partner of the CATCHER project. Firstly, tell us a bit about your organization Anthesis, the activators of sustainability, is the world’s largest group of sustainability experts: a team of more than 900 people working in 40 countries to serve more than 2,000 […]